Film and photography

Keen to film or to take photography at Darwin International Airport? Learn about our guidelines and how you can submit your application.

Commercial filming and photography

Airport Development Group (ADG) consists of Darwin International Airport (DIA), Alice Springs Airport (ASA) and Tennant Creek Airport (TCA).

Commercial filming and photography at any of the three airports is mostly permitted if the applicant meets the requirements of the terms of conditions outlined on the application form.

ADG filming and photography applications must be lodged five working days before the proposed activity.

Before completing this application, the ADG Filming and Photography on Airport Terms and Conditions should be read and understood.

Completed applications must include: 

  • Full applicant and request details
  • An attached copy of the applicant’s Public Liability Insurance Certificate for $20million or greater
  • Safety plan if required.

Approved applications will receive a Location Release which the crew must keep at all times while on location. Please refer to the contact details at the end of this application for all filming and photography enquiries.