Procedures, permits and resources

Procedures, permits and resources for people working on Airport.

Resources for people working on airport

All persons in the airport need to comply with the Working on Airport-Site Rules.

On this page (click to navigate):



Before completing a permit, applications must familiarise themselves with the Permit to Work Procedures

Permits are required for all high-risk work activities and applicants and permit approvers must ensure that all the controls that are identified in the permit are put in place.

Dig Permits
Dig permits are required before commencing any excavation and trenching work, including digging holes for posts and signs. The purpose of this Permit is to ensure that all safety and environmental aspects of excavation work have been considered and actioned, and to avoid damage to buried infrastructure, services & the environment.

Crane Permits
Crane/Working at Height Permits using a crane there are two parts to the crane permit.  The first part is the Crane – OLS permit which is required to ensure the crane does not encroach on the obstacle limitation surface (OLS) for aircraft.  This application must be completed first and once approved be attached to the Crane Operations Permit.

Working at Height Permit
Working at heights permit can be used to enable you to implement a safe system for any work you plan to undertake at heights within the Airport Precinct. The permit can be used to verify that risks are sufficiently managed and the work at height is undertaken safely. 

Electrical Permits / Fire Isolation Permit
Electrical work is listed as one of the critical risks for ADG.  There are a number of electrical related permits listed below that must be completed and approved by electrically authorised 

Construction-related Permits
There are a number of high-risk work activities involved in construction work and these include permissions to commence work, confined space, hot works, restricted items (including some grinders, saws & ladders) and temporary fencing:


