Check-in times
Domestic: 2 hours International: 2.5 hours | |
Domestic: 2 hours International: 2.5 hours | |
Domestic: 2 hours | |
Domestic: 2 hours International: 2 hours | |
Domestic: 1.5 hours | |
Domestic: 1.5 hours | |
International: 2.5 hours |
If you require detailed information, please check with the Airline you are flying with. Click here to find the contact details of your airline or visit their website directly.
The essential things to know when checking in for your flight
- Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare for a pleasant experience through to the departure gate.
- Check-in times vary depending on whether you travel domestically or internationally, and which airline you’ll be flying with. We recommend you check with your airline to understand their flight check-in requirements.
- Arrive in plenty of time to go through security screening and immigration if you travel internationally.
- Unexpected delays can happen, especially at peak travel times, so please consider this when planning your travel.
- Upon arrival, head to your airline's check-in desks on the ground floor.
- Flight information screens near the terminal entry will advise where your airline's check-in desk is located.